Family Fees

Family Fees


This charge will cover your family’s Building Fee, Maintenance Fee, and Educational Fee. Only one family fee is paid per family.

—Education Fee

A non-refundable education fee of $20.00 is required for expenses associated with one or two parent education seminars conducted at the school each year and to bring enrichment programs to the school for our students. 

—Building Fee

A non-refundable, tax-deductible building fee of $45.00 is required for expenses incurred to improve the KNS school building. 

—Maintenance Fee

A non-refundable maintenance fee of $135.00 is required for expenses incurred with the maintenance of the building, such as repairing the roof, or purchasing mulch for the playground. 

You may provide one check to cover all three fees or pay them online. These fees are non-refundable.

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